• Welcome to UNICAP Modaraba

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The Sponsors & Board of Directors of Unicap Modaraba have been studying the development of Islamic financial system and also the immense possibilities of the Modaraba set up under the unique regulatory umbrella. They envision to utilize the Unicap Modaraba to undertake a variety of business activities with the help of local and foreign resources. They have an ambitious plan of promoting the Modaraba to a sizeable financial institution by implementing a carefully crafted strategy and seeking guidance from the regulatory authorities.

The Sponsors, Board of Directors and the management of UNICAP Modaraba has pledged to revive forthwith the business operations of the Modaraba. For this purpose they have injected working funds into the Modaraba, are providing management skills and have quickly developed operational infrastructure of UNICAP Modaraba afresh in order to make it a stable and progressive entity based on the diversity and potential of the Modaraba concept. The Management possess ample professional and technical expertise to be able to achieve distinguish success milestones of their strategies.

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