Establish industrial Units or own running Industrial Units of any nature ,within and outside Pakistan and to do all things necessary and in conformity with the Sharia.
Engage in mercantile, trading, import, export, services or manufacturing enterprises of any nature, within and outside Pakistan and to do all the things necessary and consequential or incidental to such business which is permissible and in conformity with the Sharia.
Trading in listed non-interest bearing securities both equity and non-equity instrument on its own accounts.
Act as agents, distributors and representatives.
Open branches in any part of the world to carry on the business of the Modaraba in accordance with the objectives laid down.
Participate in the management, supervision or control of business within and outside Pakistan (excluding the business of managing agency).
Description of Business
Finance Leveraged Trading
Encourage Entrepreneurial Activity
Financial Advisory
Investment Management Services
Project Financing
Project Identification
Venture Capital
Provision of Capital
Import & Export
Import & Export Activities
Leasing Business
Trading & Industry
Establish industrial Units
Resource Mobilization
Mobilize Substantial Resource