To initiate, sponsor, promote, float, organise, manage, administer and operate Modarabas, Modaraba Funds of all types and description, Mutual Funds, Unit Trusts, and all other similar concerns either in syndicate or otherwise subject to the approval of The Registrar Modaraba, under the Modaraba Companies & Modarabas (Floatation & Control) Ordinance, 1980.
It is envisaged that the Company would float a series of Modarabas for undertaking various business ventures which are in conformity with the injuctions of Islam. In accordance with Section 17 of the Modaraba Ordinance, the Modaraba Company will not compete with the business to be carried on by the Modarabas floated by it.
Unicap Modaraba was floated with a view to:
Providing an opportunity to participate gainfully in the economic development of the country in accordance with Government’s declared policy of islamising the country’s economy particularly eliminating “RIBA” and the promotion of the private sector.
Earn maximum possible income for distribution to their Certificate holder so that attractive sound and lawful avenues of investment are provided to them in accordance with the “SHARIAH”.
Produce appreciation of capital through increase in the value of certificates.
Generate long term growth.
Institutionalise the Modaraba concept with new dimensions.
Description of Business
Finance Leveraged Trading
Encourage Entrepreneurial Activity
Financial Advisory
Investment Management Services
Project Financing
Project Identification
Venture Capital
Provision of Capital
Import & Export
Import & Export Activities
Leasing Business
Trading & Industry
Establish industrial Units
Resource Mobilization
Mobilize Substantial Resource